Sunday, May 16, 2010

We went to the zoo!

The weather was so nice this weekend, that we decided to make an quick trip to the zoo - good times :)

Miss. Matea on the way to Edmonton
She is teething pretty bad rightnow, so some popular items for her to chew on were straws, cups, well...just about anything!
I love this picture, look how big his eyes are!
"Mom, it's an iguana!"
On the wrong side the "zoo bar" this was pretty much the theme of Big Mack's day,
apparently he isn't very good with boundaries :)
Not loving the snakes yet :)
Super fun sea lion!
You can't see but the sea lion is right in the corner kissing the window!
Mackenzie was soooo pumped!
Yikes!  Watch out for the giant shark!
Cute lion water fountain
I swear there is a picture of me beside this water fountain when I am little
Enjoying rolling down the hils outside the zoo :)
This picture kind of "sums" up Matea's day.  Naked, one sock,playing the back of a van.
This was seriously the happiest she was the entire trip, except for when we were eating popcorn, or drinking lemonade.
Teething strikes again.
But she did like the elephants and the tiger.

Alright, it's truth time.
I am pretty sure that, in additon to the teething issues Matea was having, we sorta started her trip off on a bit of a "warm" note.  ARGH!!  For the first 30 minutes of the trip we had the HEAT CRANKED in the back of the van!!!  Worst parents ever!  Bob and I were visiting away, in the front with the A/C turned up full blast!  Big Mack asked for a drink of water liked 4 times before we finally figured it out, AND he kind of yelled at us "Its so hot!  I want a chocolate milkshake please!"

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