Tuesday, May 25, 2010

"Knock, knock"

okay so one of Big Mack's most favorite thing to do right now is tell "knock, knock" jokes....except he doesn't really always (sometimes he gets it right, then it is EXTRA cute) get the concept of a "knock, knock" joke.  I think it is adorable :) 

Here is an example of a Mackenzie James Schurman "knock, knock" joke

Me: "Yes, honey...."
MJ: "You want to hear a knock knock joke?!?"
Me: "Sure"
MJ: "knock, knock"
Me: "Who's There?"
MJ: "Chocolate."
Me: "Chocolate Who?"
MJ: "I want some chocolate please..."
Me: "Wait a minute..."
MJ: "some chocolate chips, a chocolate cookie, a chocolate ball....Mommy....I need a big hug"

This is Mackenzie James picking me my very first (and I am sure definitely not the last) dandelion bouquet

1 comment:

Denise said...

What a sweetheart!!!