Saturday, January 31, 2015

Quest Theater Extravaganza!

The M & M's school had some artists in residence all week at their school, and on Friday the whole school put on an amazing performance!
Lots of jokes, singing, dancing, and laughing :)
It was SO fun!
Mack's friend River had a BIG speaking part!  He did AWESOME.
 Mack's big entrance!
 His group was "the fishermen"

 Mack's friend Zack got A LOT of lines in his classes play!
 He did SUCH a GREAT job too!

So fun!
Special thanks to the Nana & Bampi for babysitting Miss. Matea and Asher so Bob and I could BOTH go watch Mack!

Sunday, January 18, 2015


We weren't able to make it to the M & M's parent teacher interviews before Christmas BUT they have the most awesome teachers, they agreed to meet with us last week.
Our M & M's are doing GREAT!
Matea is working hard at school, her printing is improving and she is "socializing" (well her version of socializing) more every day with her peers.

The we climbed up the stairs and went to chat with Mack's grade two teacher.  Now if you remember our Mackenzie's parent teacher interviews were not always rainbows and puppy dogs :)  But that was just Kindergarten.  ANYWAY last week his teacher had great things to say about Mack.  He is doing GREAT!  He is having a few problems staying motivated, but we discussed some strategies that work for us at home that could be useful in school too.  Now back to him doing so GREAT.....he is starting to stand up for himself, he is creative, and funny.  His teacher thinks he is super smart (he said he thinks he's gifted, we were like "yeah but his favorite thing to do is write comic books about poop and pee") and he has lots of good buddy's - we were super pumped.
and Asher is doing A-OK right now too, although if  we had a parent teacher interview for him.....not too sure the reports would be glowing :)  But we have a few years to work on it, and at least he is PRETTY cute!