Monday, January 30, 2012

Back in October.... every year I get together with my sister and we create some super cool personalized calenders for our doing this project, I try to keep some of the pictures that I ♥ under secret....never to be posted/shared until everyone has received their calenders :)  We have a few family members that have yet to receive their gifts (retired and in beautiful Mexico for a little holiday) but I thought sharing this one day that the Schurman Family enjoyed back in October wouldn't hurt....
It was one of my favorite days of, love, love the pictures we got.
FYI...get ready for a picture-pa-looza!
We went to Kerrywood Nature Centre...very fun!
 Wait for me!
 She likes to be first...and running...always running
Matea attempting to "ride off" on her version of a broomstick...
I like feet baby boys feet when he was four :)
Miss. Matea examining stuff
♥ them
checking out the super gross muskrats

And then we disrupted the wildlife....and got some glares from all the people walking quietly through the come the Schurman's!
 Awww....they ♥ each other
 M &M's
 When sis my baby boy get so old?  And handsome?
He combs his hair now after his bath, and asks me
"Mommy, am I handsome?"
 I framed this picture for my bonus room....♥ it

Even though we were a little disruptive...still a super
awesome day with the M & M's...and their Daddy too

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday Family Fun Time!

We had the chance to have some super fun family time today....a birthday party with Grandma, Grandpa , and Auntie Sue....and then Sunday supper with Nana, Bampi, Uncle Jer & Auntie lucky are we?
A little "snow fun" at Grandma & Grandpa's house
 Grandpa giving Mack some sledding pointers

Miss. Matea making her way through the was pretty hard work for our little love
My sweet M & M's
Birthday pie
(it was Grandpa's birthday and MY birthday....33 on February 5th...yikes!)
Miss. Matea watching a little show on the ipad....I ♥ the light in Grandma and Grandpa's living room!  It is THE BEST!

And then back home to our house to have Sunday supper with the "Clevette Gang"
The only picture I got was this one....the M & M's were attacking their dear old Bampi!
Super fun Sunday :)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Family Photo's little "Clevette" family has grown from a family of 5 (I am talking about my mom, dad, sister, brother) to a family of 12!  And we have NEVER had a family photo with ALL of us!  So after sledding on Boxing Day I made everyone change out of their sweatpants, and gather on our front steps for the final 30 minutes of daylight, and I tortured them for 30 minutes....and they still love me ♥
Tried to get a picture of the grandparents with the grand kids...look at my children!  Better yet, look at their cousins on the bottom step TOTALLY wondering what the HECK is going on :)
this was the best one...can you believe it?
Took pictures of the Bromette/Clevlings
 Look at those little red heads!
 This is one of my favourites...because of Alex's face :)
 Still ♥ the faces!
Getting married in the next 345 days or about that :)
the gang is all here!
Thanks for putting up with me family :)

A very Schurman Christmas 2011 Part Three ~ Boxing Day Bonanza!

December 26, 2011 was by far my favourite day.  Visiting with family, fondue, sledding in the backyard AND on the big hill, and cousins playing together...just a fun day.
Get ready for a picture-pa-looza
Corbyn getting ready to head down the backyard hill
 Not looking too impressed about the mini-crash into the fence :)
 There were LOTS of giggles out of Alex

 That's a little happier face!
 Making the trip to THE BIG HILL!
Princess Matea went too...she didn't walk though...because she is a princess, so she has a little chariot
The gang's all here....the Mom's are at the bottom of the hill taking pictures....and yep that's the way-sigh.
Yep...Uncle Darcy had to carry her down the hill
 Mack had to go down the hill WITH Daddy a couple of times because he was taking his sled ALL the way up the hill (pretty far) and then going down head first...over jumps...without a helmet
worst parents ever. 
 Dad's get to have fun too!
 Back up the hill
 Her hat is funny, I think it makes her look more elvish that usual...and she has NO fear.
Head first....
and with two sleds...because she is a princess
and the best for last....some pretty special little girls :)