Sunday, February 27, 2011

Pizza & Princess Babies

Big Mack is soooo in love with cooking and baking right now.  His favorite phrase when I start to make breakfast, lunch or supper?  "Can I help you Mom?"
Professional dough moves
 Expert topping placement
 Admiring his masterpiece
I have been noticing that Miss. Matea really likes playing with "Little People", (the brand, not like The Roloff Family on Little people, Big World) she/we call them her "babies", so when I was in Edmonton I went to The Disney Store (very fun place) and picked up some Disney Little People. 
We call them her "Princess Babies"...
 Breakfast with the princess babies...she loves them.

Snuggles with Grandma S...

Before they headed out for a little holiday Grandma & Grandpa Schurman stopped by for a little snuggle.
*no pictures of Grandpa Schurman (this time) he was too busy playing cars upstairs with Mackenzie*

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Okay let's start from the beginning....Miss. Matea and I have spent a great deal of time together in her lifetime. 
There was a great deal of time while she was "on the inside"....
and of course I spent a little bit of time with her while she was BRAND NEW
when she was just a little bit "new"
and a little bit older, older, older
okay...that was LONG, right?  Well she's pretty cute, so I am sure it wasn't total torture...
ANYWAY this weekend I got the absolute best gift EVER from Bob-a-licious...a weekend away.
I'll just let that sink in for any Momma's that read this blog.
This Guy...
arranged for myself and a dear friend of mine to head up to the city and spend the evening in a hotel, and the days shopping up a storm (without strollers and sippy cups in tow), and eating in restaurants that didn't have play structures attached.
I haven't actually ever spent a night away from Big Mack or Miss. Matea in their lifetimes
(well that's a lie...I have spent FOUR nights away from Mackenzie in his four years....2 when I had my gallbladder removed, and 2 when I had Matea)

Enough said.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

M & M Heart Day 2011...and what we did today :)

Some Valentine's we made up for the M & M's
-- short little story --
Big Mack had playschool on Valentine's Day (woot, woot!), so we worked hard that morning (let's be truthful, and the night before) to make some goodies for his teachers to take to playschool...
--finished product--
anyway long story short, I walked into Big Mack's school thinking that I had it ALL together, pretty much cleaning a spot on the shelf to place my "Mother of The Year Award"....we forgot to make Valentine's for all the kids in his class...(sigh) still a vacant spot on that shelf (double sigh).
And Today....we just hung out and dealt with our sugar hangovers :)
Big Mack spent some time doing some of the mazes in his MAZE BOOK--the first half of the famous M & M duo LOVES mazes...loves them, so i was pretty pumped when I stumbled across the book at Staples.
Love him.
The second half of the famous M & M duo....
she had a nap on the couch in the bonus room today while the sun was HEATING up our upstairs, I never get to see her sleep...
Love her
And then she woke up.
Sweet baby.
Love her in B & W too :)

Friday, February 11, 2011

A playdate snap...

Mackenzie James...super boy genius.

Sometimes, when Miss. Matea blesses Big Mack and I with a nap in the afternoon (she actually BROKE her crib this morning, not to worry, it's fixed...and there are no injuries to report, at this time) we hang out tin the basement and play, and he lets me blog a little bit, and we watch tumblebooks (which he thinks are HILARIOUS!) and we do a little "school work" while he jumps on the spare bed - he is totally going to be THAT kid in grade one that can't sit still, and vibrates at the mere mention of recess :)
the other day when we were practicing our letters (he tells me the letter and we decide something that starts with that letter) he got his little board and some of his letters, and I said to him, "okay you set it up, and then we will do some school"...and this is (no word of a lie) what he did
Super....boy....genius, right?
Cute lil' genius
sometimes he gets a little frustrated/bored
And he also has dino parades...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sunday Silence

Just pictures today....
*I almost never post pictures of myself...rare, it might come down tomorrow ;)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Boys Only!

Today Big Mack and I went for a "Boys Only" play date, and I loved, loved, loved being able to take some pictures of all the fun - okay and I lied it wasn't only the boys, lil' Fenna was there for a little bit too, after she woke up from her nap :) 
Aidan has a super fun snow hill right outside his front door!  They boys had SUCH a GREAT time sliding down the hill, playing in the backyard, and sinking in the snow :)
Always fun times at the Sijbrandi house!  
So tonight I have totally fallen in ♥ with both posting my pictures in templates & editing in black and white, hope you enjoy :)
Aidan and his Momma - she said she looked tired, I think she looks GREAT :) 
Two friends having a little cheesy bread snack
sweetness & grace, all in one face...

Pizza Rollups!

Got this very fun recipe from my sisters "food-y" blog--check it out 
It is a very fun (and easy, c'mon it's me we are talking about) recipe if you have a little guy that enjoys "helping" in the kitchen...oh and they are delicious, which is ALWAYS a plus :)
*a small confession, my pizza rollups were not as pretty
 as my sisters, so I totally stole her picture off her blog-tee hee* 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

M & M Project 365-ish

I am trying to PROJECT 365 this year.  The reason I am calling it "PROJECT 365-ish" is because I couldn't really start until today, February 1...and I didn't have my super cool iPhone.  Check out today's picture - Uncle Jer looking pretty cute :)
Check out.....

M & M Project the very least check out the super cute banner, I love it :)

I missed...

I have been doing a "little" teaching assignment for the last few months, and today was my last day.  Bittersweet. 
I will miss the students that I had for the last few months...but "the sweet?" part of bittersweet...well you be the judge.  I took these pictures the day before I started the "little" teaching job...

sometimes I feel like I missed SO MUCH :)