Tuesday, May 11, 2010

How do you say thanks for a gift that is priceless?

So, as most of you know, this M Squared Mommy recently got a FULL TIME JOB (just until the end of the school year, AND it is supposed to be going half-time by the end of the week)!  Some days FULL TIME JOB is like a curse word in my house!  So what do we do with the M & M's when we are at work?  Well we thought about leaving them home alone with a couple of fruit cups, Nutri-Grain bars, and a few "Wiggles" dvd's but.....holy heck!  I am just kidding! 

Anyway I am way off topic (as usual) so working full time I haven't really been "up" on my current events, okay that was a lie, there could have been a small natural disaster and I wouldn't have known about it because it isn't part of the grade 2 curriculum :)

So today in the staffroom, one of the other teachers was talking about this:

long story short - daycare centre right around the corner from us...14 month old toddler with 3rd degree burns currently being treated at the Stollery.

How thankful are we for "Mom/Nana/Judy"?
There are not enough Starbucks gift cards in the world!

The Nana has been coming to take care of the M & M's since Big Mack was a one year old Baby Mack....oh and she comes to our house so that I don't have to get myself AND the little people ready in the morning - SPOILED!

So how thankful are we.....
More than you know.

1 comment:

Denise said...

Wow not only is it a precious gift for YOU having your mother to come look after the kids, but what a great gift for the KIDS! They'll always remember being watched by grandma and all the fun that ensued. You're very lucky!!!