Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Look how much we've grown....

A quick look at a similar picture at the same place -- EDMONTON ZOO!
If you are an avid reader of this blog...hopefully there are some :) then you know that I ♥ the "comparison" photo's...alot. 
June 2010
June 2011
okay these were my first initial thoughts:
"look how much they both grew!"
"they are all (Bob-a-licious included) so adorable"
"Ugh...Matea still hates hats!"
"look how long Matea's hair got!"
"Why does Bob always wear basketball T-shirts...."
Now I actually chatted with Bob a little bit about the whole basketball T-shirt thing, and he is just being a good Daddy...I have blogged about a time in our lives when I searched Chapter's high and low for  parenting books that (weren't lame) and would teach me how to deal with my busy a non-scream-y/non spank-y way, I found and still love "Parking Lot Rules and 75 other ideas for Raising Amazing Children" here is one post I did--check it out.  ANYWAY lots of great ideas like: when your child asks you something, instead of saying "What?!?", respond with "Yes?" or "Yes love?"--I try to do this everyday, I did not succeed today when I was trying to chat with my little brother on the phone, and make Big Mack some waffles....but I try.  So ANYWAY (my apologies this is becoming an epic post) Bob is not a big reader,  but whenever I share something with him that I think we should do as parents, it's like he files it away and never forgets.  One of the sections in the book talks alot about travelling as a group, making sure no one gets lost, how to stand out in the crowd ect.  I once told him that the book said the best type of clothing to wear when going to a crowded place as a family is a jersey....because the names are meant to be read from far away and from up high...long story short...good Daddy, he is just trying to make sure we can always find him ♥
And my newest obsessions
feet them.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Children's Festival 2011

Last weekend we went to a super fun children's festival here in town--awesome.  We also went RIGHT after it rained so the crowds weren't quite as large.  Some highlight...the M & M's had a blast, Grandma and Grandpa Schurman came with us,  and there were some kids from my school who got a front row seat to the mother of all temper tantrums by....drum roll....Miss. Matea, I know your shocked, right?  Matea and I capped the afternoon off with a special visit....All in all it was a pretty fun afternoon :)
Learning stuff with Grandma & Grandpa
 Schurman boys feet
 Grandpa teaching Mack how to milk the cow
 Look closely, you can see little Miss. M pouting on the grass
 Painting at "Box City"--as the person in charge of laundry I was having a full fledged panic attack
 As much as I tried...
 We ended up with paint on our jacket (and it DOESN'T come out--the horror)
in our hair, and in our mouth--ew.
 Such a little rascal, right?

This beautiful picture is a product of me saying "Look over here guys!"
Some days I wonder if i will ever get a pretty photo of them together :)
 plotting her masterpieces
Big Mack climbing in all the boxes, he had sooo much fun--good thing Grandpa was there!
Chasing Matea....
 Mommy & Matea mid tantrum...
 super fun bouncy castle

 He is sooooo loved.
 I love 4.
 Miss. Matea was done with the Festival before Mack was so she and I went for a little walk, and a visit to a special place.  This is Matea checking out Dodie's bench outside the Golden Circle.
Great day ♥