Sunday, May 9, 2010

Friday....and EPIC trip to the mall!

I am behind, I know - I am sure everyone in the blogging world is going to be blogging up a a storm about their mother's day!  My Mother's Day has been "tres awesome" so far - BUT, we had such an awesome trip to the mall with the M & M's on Friday!

Now for most families this wouldn't be THAT big a deal....but for The Schurman I said....EPIC!

I guess I should start from the very beginning.....

Big Mack

Bob and I were chatting Friday night and we started doing some "calculations", we decided that we have not had a shopping trip that didn't end in tears or time outs for about 2 YEARS!  If you can beleive that!
We are totally the family that you see at the mall where the adorable little 3 year old (Big Mack) is either laying on the ground (I know ew) usually completely bored OR having a "moment" or he is running at 100 miles an hour through Toys R US!

But this was not the case on Friday night! 

On Friday night we were able to all go to the mall, have supper, AND go to 3 STORES!
For The Schurman Family......EPIC.

Love him.....

**Uncle Jer was there too, that might have had something to do with it...I tis always good when the adults out number the little people***

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