Sunday, February 15, 2015

Snow Fun!!!!

We headed out to our favorite super park one snowy afternoon so the kids could have some fun in the sun!
Mack making an EPIC snowman
 this cutie is NOTHING but TROUBLE
 this one too ;)
 my girl
 Getting a little help on the monkey bars
 Actually watching WHERE he is going.....for once
 Not loving the picture taking

 Aiming for Mom

 he means business

 going for a stroll to Kerrywood nature Center
 Asher tried to follow Matea & Bob, but he fell.....and he has a hard time getting up with ALL his gear on, which is kind of funny.
 Big Brother to the rescue!
 It's more like "big brother with really great intentions but usually gets distracted".....Mack offered to go and help Asher get up, but got distracted by making his own snow angel.....obviously
Asher was devastated.
Mom saved the day :)