Thursday, April 24, 2014

Fancy pants....

So....we don't wear alot of pants with buttons.
I know that probably sounds super weird but it's really not.  Mack likes to wear "comfy pants" (aka sweat pants) at home and then super casual pants to school (aka Khaki's, cargo pants - whatever)
So when we get the note home from school....
"Please send your child in black pants for the festival.  You child will be up on stage and is required to wear dark colored pants, black would be best....blah, blah, blah..."
And we break out the "fancy pants" - dress pants will a button and a zipper.
I was more prepared this year - because I HAD a pair for him and didn't have to run to Sears the night before (totally patting myself on the back over here!).
This year everything went great, he loved them and didn't whine about having to 
wear them, it was awesome - and I happily sent him on his way to school.....without a belt.
  In my mind I am going to pretend that his pants were not falling down all day.
But i am pretty confident they were, and because Mack is who he is...I know he didn't care one bit, I'm actually pretty sure he thought it was funny.
Truthfully the only reason i know anything about the pants falling because they did, about twenty feet away from Bampi's car today after school, Mack (like he does EVERY DAY) was running to his Grandfather's car, and his pants fell down to his knees - I don't even think he cared that much, apparently he just kept running, and laughing of course there was laughing.
When he got to Bampi's car he said "Bampi can I race you home?  I will run!"  and apparently the parent in the vehicle next to theirs said "not in those pants fella!"

Grade O-N-E Choral reading!!!!

Today we made the long trek to Red Deer College to watch Mack and ALL the grade one's (three whole classes!) do their choral speech presentation today - Mack was awesome.
RIGHT before they were about to start!
Look at that FOCUS!!!!
A little nervous, maybe?
Our buddy Zack was there too!
Waving "hi" to his mama.
I know this because she was sitting right beside me.
 Okay, okay I see you guys!
 Relax!  I gotta do my part now!
Can you find him?
Furthest to the left....and not looking like he is watching his teacher at all.
Rocking the actions...oh yeah!
A gigantic YAWN...this was not one of the actions.
Zack is officially the choral reading KING!
Nailed it.
Uh oh...someone is getting distracted.....
 I think he might actually be leaning on that poor little guy next to him...again - this was not part of the performance :)
 All done!
If you would like to compare Grade O-N-E to Kindergarten go check out last years post.
And if you are DYING to see a video go here
special thanks to Nana & Bampi for staying behind at the house with Asher and Matea so this Mama could go and take pictures of her favorite seven year old.
And thanks to Grandma & Grandpa for coming to watch.
This is what Mack said to his Nana & Bampi at supper tonight:
Me: "Mack did you see me at you concert this morning?"
Mack: "Um yeah. I saw A mommy and a daddy and a grandma 
and a grandpa......and NOOOOO Nana and Bampi.
Good thing he is cute

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Gymnastics Party!!

Mack was lucky enough to get invited to a birthday party at the gymnastics place here in town...we have not been to said gymnastics place since he was three - see "Big Mack's first BIG expulsion" post from 4 years ago!!!
ANYWAY we went with our super good friends Zack and Jess, and the party was for Zack's seventh birthday!  SO FUN.
Best Buds hanging out having a few laughs!
 He LOVED all the trampolines :)
 Stretching - he has improved a great deal in 4 years ;)
 The rope swing...
this was the end result of 5 straight, painful minutes of trying to "figure it out"
 Getting some instructions from the gymnastics teacher.
This time last year I am pretty sure we were having our 1 billionth meeting with the Kindergarten teacher about how Mack was not able to sit still and listen, while making eye contact during "carpet time"....pfffft!  Looks like some sitting still and eye contact was happening here  - hahaha!
 more trampoline fun!
 The "foam pit" I sweat they could have played in there ALL day!
Trampoline fun!!!
 The funniest...."Cheers-ing" with their drinks at the snack station - too cute!
Dance Party!  I don't even think there was any music, we just said "show us your best dance move!"
 Thanks Jess and Zack for the super fun party!
He had so much fun ♥

Friday, April 4, 2014

Life is SUPER busy!

Our little party of five has been pretty crazy busy these last few weeks...and yet still not alot to report.
So maybe just some pictures :)
My Mackenzie...
He's pretty darn awesome (although I am a wee bit biased).  He got his report card last week and he is doing great!  Grade one has turned out to be super fun for our little man :)
And his all time favorite thing to do (well aside from "electronics time") is read comic books.
Read, read, read :)
My Matea
Also pretty great.  We just had a big huge meeting about our Matea at her school.  It was awesome!  She is in great hands at her school, and almost everyone in the room told us how much they loved her...lots.
She has even started saying a few more words...alot of them are things I say to her and Asher (example:"What are you doing?!?" or "Stop it!") but whatever she wants to say, I know there are LOTS of people who want to listen :)
Doing PRETTY great.
Sweet Baby Asher, he turned 15 months old TODAY!
He can say bottle, ball (he says ball incessantly), all gone and Asher (sort of).
He is obsessed with playing basketball, and looking at all the pictures all over the house and having us tell him who everyone is :)
He listens fairly good (for now) and loves going out on outings with me when Matea is at school.
He is pretty cool.  He looks SO similar to his brother and sister but he acts SO differently.
And I think he is starting to grow into his big giant ears!  Woo hoo!!