Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ten (Plus) Things You Never Knew About Miss. Matea....

Sometimes I feel like I never blog about Miss. Matea...
  1. She loves to hold hands, she is forever taking my hand and wanting me to go this way or that.
  2. She is a COMPLETE dare devil! She currently sports a beautiful array of bruises on her back after falling off a chair (like a little person chair) and somehow landing on another chair that was the exact same height?!?
  3. She loves ANYTHING chocolate.
  4. Even though she is over two years old, she still wakes up in the middle of the night--and has a PARTY in her room, and then falls back to sleep.
  5. She is 100%, complete DIVA.
  6. While she is absolutely adorable...she is by far one of the grossest kids I have ever met! For example, today she ate some crushed up chocolate SOMETHING off the floor of...wait for it....SAFEWAY - ugh.
  7. She hates having her hair done...with a passion. It actually takes a Dora show, and at least one GOOD snack to get a few pony tails in.
  8. She enjoys playing by herself. Often, when we have play dates at the house she will play with her friends for a little bit, and then head to the quietest room to play by herself.
  9. She wears ALOT of pink, like a crazy amount. I am quite confident that when she is old enough, she will rebel against this particular color altogether, until then...I can't help it, it's all so cute!
  10. Her brother is by far, her best friend.
  11. She love, love, loves to read books...and sort of destroy them...sometimes.
  12. She is so stubborn!
  13. I actually thought that my second child wouldn't be as much of a tornado as my first child...wrong. Total tiny tornado.
  14. She is so pretty, even with a toilet in the background :)
#14 (sans toilet)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Bampi's Brithday!

Today was Bampi's birthday!!!  Big Mack was VERY excited to sing Happy Birthday to his dear "old" Bampi :)  Singing cards, ice cream cake, and blowing out the candles....pretty fun Sunday!
Miss. Matea having a few tears because Big Mack....
...had "stolen" the spot she wanted to sit
guess what?  Princess Matea gets her way...
she is pretty cute though, right?
Birthday picture palooza!
Oh la, la...blowing out the candles!
Yum...what a surprise Matea likes something chocolate :)
The singing Star Trek card was a HUGE hit with Mack...totally know what kind of card I am getting him for his birthday :)
Happy Birthday Bampi!
We ♥ you

Monday, March 14, 2011

Hooray! The sun!

The sun came out today!  It was so nice to take Big Mack outside and enjoy....
the sun
it was so nice and bright!
and the melting snow...
and making snowmen
This is one of my favourite pictures from all of today, mostly because it kinda shows who enjoys making the snowmen as much as the little people.
and of course we (by we I mean Mackenzie) enjoyed the puddles...alot.
oh yeah...and Mack and I were very super pumped to see some....GRASS!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

sigh...the M & M's are crazy...

Lately I have found myself questioning the sanity of the little people in my life.  I am hoping that it is this insanely long winter, which by the way has passed the point of ridiculous as far as I am concerned. 
A-N-Y-W-A-Y...they are crazy.
A little arts and crafts activity gone horribly wrong
The peanut butter fiasco...
I sweat she eats a crazy amount of peanut butter, like if we leave the the jar out, she tries like crazy to get it open...if (heaven forbid) we leave the lid off the peanut butter for more than 3.2 seconds, she has got hers little fingers in there scooping out what she considers a "daily serving".
No toast, no crackers, no mixing it with some bananas...
just a big old spoonful.
In the last little while the M & M's have actually been playing TOGETHER.  It usually starts out as a little bit of chasing, and then some hugs (I wish I got some pictures, they are cute--it's my mission) some dancing (also cute) and then the inevitable...the wrestling.
she's cute, but she is pretty darn tough too.
I hope it's really warm this week...and ALL the snow melts, and we can go to the park without 7000 pounds of winter gear-hey it's my blog I can hope for what I want :)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Schurman playground renovations....

Last year I wrote a little post about our "mini playground" that was in our basement, and how I was wondering if I would EVER have a grown up basement, like - gasp - a media room or something CrAzY like that.  Well my feelings have since changed a little bit about the need for a "grown up" basement...mostly because I married a man that is incredibly creative (just wait for the pictures), and talented, and surprises me everyday with how much he loves our kids, and what lengths he will go to to make them happy (ugh!  I know enough with the sappy, sap)...I'm not sure how we will ever sell our house, but I'm not really sure that I care...the M & M's will LOVE it, they already do. 
Two levels!
Who needs a media room...
Stay tuned...