Saturday, May 29, 2010

Another M & M blog worthy FIRST! Well...all "firsts" are blog worthy :)

First step...first tooth...first FRACTURE!  Now if you had asked me, like, three weeks ago I would have bet you money on Big Mack being the first of my little M & M's to be taken to the hospital and put in a splint (soon to be a cast - Monday)...but on May 27, 2010 - it was little Miss. Matea needing some extra cuddles while we waited between a some strange "characters" at our local Emergency Room.

A little splint until we can see the specialist on Monday :(

Miss. Matea after a little bit of a rough night with a super sore arm.
I wish there was some super interesting story as to how little Missy managed this little injury but....
just like any other day she was playing on our bed, and she just kinda "tumbled" off onto her bum, and then fell onto her shoulder - boom broken arm!

Now what is truly amazing about our little tank is that she is amazingly strong.  She can handle pain.  So she broke her arm...then went on to eat lunch, have a nap, and go to the park for a little play with her Daddy and Big Mack!  Craziness.  What was most upsetting to her was that she could only use one of her arms to climb up the stairs at the park!  Bob called me later in the afternoon to ask me to come home from school so that we could take her to the hospital.  We were there (and the staff was amazing - love, love, love the doctor and all out nurses they were so kind to Matea) for a few hours, there were X-rays, and lots of Treehouse, like I said - amazing.  And we were home with a splint, soon to be a cast...I'm thinking pink or maybe blue :)

She is still Mommy's helper.
Still needs to be "contained"
Her Big brother has been VERY concerned.
But it still hurts...
sometimes lots :(


Denise said...

Awww poor thing!! But it looks like she's quite a trooper - you did got mom!!! I'd have been one big ball of mess!! :)

Unknown said...

There were a few tears from this Mommy when the Dr. told us it was broken, and she would be needing a visit to the specialist, and a cast! When they saw my tears all the nurses and the doctor were like "this is the most common injury...happens all the time..." - I think they were trying to make me feel better :)