Monday, May 31, 2010

The story of Miss. Matea's invisible cast.

Not alot of pictures for this post folks - why you ask?  Well remember, in my last post, when I was blogging about how impressed I was with the Red Deer hospital?  Man oh man did that change today.  Now before I continue, I just want to say that of all my experiences at the hospital in our city (couple of babies, a surgery here and there, nothing too major) have been pretty much great.  Amazing nurses (they definitely have a difficult job) and pretty great doctors.  Today - May 31, 2010 -  Miss. Matea, Bob and I had the unfortunate experience of spending the majority of our morning with some of the crankiest, unkind women I have ever encountered.  So in hindsight an appointment on Monday morning to see a surgeon about a broken bone is nothing to get too excited about, why?  Well in addition to our baby girl's broken bone, we got to wait amongst those person's who chose to get into bar room brawls the previous Friday and Saturday night.  Now, when I walked in and saw about 30 people in this waiting room, I thought to myself - this isn't happening, and when I relised that these 30 people were all there to see the same doctor we were, I thought  there is no way that they are going to make us (with the one year old) and the 2 or 3 senior citizens wait for hours (don't get me wrong, if it was my broken bone I would have no problem waiting as long as needed, I am capable of waiting, I understand waiting - a one year old--not so much).  Nope that is exactly what happened.  9:45 appointment, saw the doctor after lunch.  Now it's not my first day as a Mommy, we came prepared with snacks, and juice, and books, and games - she was happy....for the first hour and a half.  After that she got a little restless, so I inquired at the nurse's station as to how much longer it would be.  I was told that there were 12 people ahead of us, and I needed to "deal with it" - excuse me?!?  Rude.  So at that point I stood directly in front of the nurse's station with Miss. Matea in my arms and let her scream her little head off (while I comforted her), and when they looked at me like "can you please do something with your baby" - I said "deal with it" -- we were the next ones in to see the doctor :)  

So after ALL that time, the doctor came in and said "oh it's just a crack, keep the splint on for two weeks and she should be fine"
hence no pictures of a cute pink cast - but this Momma is very thankful for that :)

All Matea's May's

Not THAT impressive - she has only had two May's (so far) but it's fun to see how she has changed from last May until this May :)  I know you are all super pumped about "That May Pages" that are coming this week (May is over, right?  that means a scrapbook page!) 

Finally some sleep!

Poor Miss. Matea has been having a few rough nights with her little arm being so sore, but last night she finally found a comfy position to sleep in.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Another M & M blog worthy FIRST! Well...all "firsts" are blog worthy :)

First step...first tooth...first FRACTURE!  Now if you had asked me, like, three weeks ago I would have bet you money on Big Mack being the first of my little M & M's to be taken to the hospital and put in a splint (soon to be a cast - Monday)...but on May 27, 2010 - it was little Miss. Matea needing some extra cuddles while we waited between a some strange "characters" at our local Emergency Room.

A little splint until we can see the specialist on Monday :(

Miss. Matea after a little bit of a rough night with a super sore arm.
I wish there was some super interesting story as to how little Missy managed this little injury but....
just like any other day she was playing on our bed, and she just kinda "tumbled" off onto her bum, and then fell onto her shoulder - boom broken arm!

Now what is truly amazing about our little tank is that she is amazingly strong.  She can handle pain.  So she broke her arm...then went on to eat lunch, have a nap, and go to the park for a little play with her Daddy and Big Mack!  Craziness.  What was most upsetting to her was that she could only use one of her arms to climb up the stairs at the park!  Bob called me later in the afternoon to ask me to come home from school so that we could take her to the hospital.  We were there (and the staff was amazing - love, love, love the doctor and all out nurses they were so kind to Matea) for a few hours, there were X-rays, and lots of Treehouse, like I said - amazing.  And we were home with a splint, soon to be a cast...I'm thinking pink or maybe blue :)

She is still Mommy's helper.
Still needs to be "contained"
Her Big brother has been VERY concerned.
But it still hurts...
sometimes lots :(

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

"Knock, knock"

okay so one of Big Mack's most favorite thing to do right now is tell "knock, knock" jokes....except he doesn't really always (sometimes he gets it right, then it is EXTRA cute) get the concept of a "knock, knock" joke.  I think it is adorable :) 

Here is an example of a Mackenzie James Schurman "knock, knock" joke

Me: "Yes, honey...."
MJ: "You want to hear a knock knock joke?!?"
Me: "Sure"
MJ: "knock, knock"
Me: "Who's There?"
MJ: "Chocolate."
Me: "Chocolate Who?"
MJ: "I want some chocolate please..."
Me: "Wait a minute..."
MJ: "some chocolate chips, a chocolate cookie, a chocolate ball....Mommy....I need a big hug"

This is Mackenzie James picking me my very first (and I am sure definitely not the last) dandelion bouquet

Monday, May 24, 2010

All Mack's May's

I know you guys were all waiting patiently for some EPIC "May Long Weekend" post... I have got TWO words for you:

The Flu
Let's just say the flu struck our house with a vengeance this long weekend - boo.

So all I got is a 1 scrapbook page I made for Mr. Mack Attack - hopefully there will be more to come this week :)

Hope you like :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

We went to the zoo!

The weather was so nice this weekend, that we decided to make an quick trip to the zoo - good times :)

Miss. Matea on the way to Edmonton
She is teething pretty bad rightnow, so some popular items for her to chew on were straws, cups, well...just about anything!
I love this picture, look how big his eyes are!
"Mom, it's an iguana!"
On the wrong side the "zoo bar" this was pretty much the theme of Big Mack's day,
apparently he isn't very good with boundaries :)
Not loving the snakes yet :)
Super fun sea lion!
You can't see but the sea lion is right in the corner kissing the window!
Mackenzie was soooo pumped!
Yikes!  Watch out for the giant shark!
Cute lion water fountain
I swear there is a picture of me beside this water fountain when I am little
Enjoying rolling down the hils outside the zoo :)
This picture kind of "sums" up Matea's day.  Naked, one sock,playing the back of a van.
This was seriously the happiest she was the entire trip, except for when we were eating popcorn, or drinking lemonade.
Teething strikes again.
But she did like the elephants and the tiger.

Alright, it's truth time.
I am pretty sure that, in additon to the teething issues Matea was having, we sorta started her trip off on a bit of a "warm" note.  ARGH!!  For the first 30 minutes of the trip we had the HEAT CRANKED in the back of the van!!!  Worst parents ever!  Bob and I were visiting away, in the front with the A/C turned up full blast!  Big Mack asked for a drink of water liked 4 times before we finally figured it out, AND he kind of yelled at us "Its so hot!  I want a chocolate milkshake please!"

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Bowling with Bampi & Nana :)

One word...SPOILED!
Yep, yep the M &M's are definitly spoiled!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Pancakes, Pretzels, and a little update :)

TGIF....this morning Big Mack woke up (super early, which by the way is a "theme" at my house right now) and asked for me to make him some pancakes for breakfast....and I had to go to work :(, he was pretty upset, so tonight when I asked him what he thought he would like for supper, guess what?  "Pancakes please Mommy!" and Matea is a super teether again so she....she had some pretzels (that was before the super awesome Mah sisters DELIVERED supper!  Good Friends, even though I am a "boot camp skipper" - thank Elizabeth)

Friday night Supper....pretzels and pancakes

My little "teether"
(check out the drooly drool and the super pink cheeks)

Remember a couple posts back I said I wanted to take pictures like this.....

Well for mother's day, the darling husband got me a new lens for my camera!
The new lens -  Thanks Bob-a-licious!
Now I am still "tinkering & learning" so no judgement please :)

Hmmm no quite what I was going for.....
Too blurry
I like this one, I think it is cute :)
Not too bad....
Oh!  And we started playing T-ball - never a dull  with a 3 year-old and a 1 year-old......and the 3 year-old has a bat! 
I like this one
Love fave :)

And finally, this picture is for all those people who think Miss. Matea is SOOOOO adorable.  Don't get me wrong, she totally is, but the dark "residue" around her mouth?
Not chocolate....dirt.
She eats it....alot.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

How do you say thanks for a gift that is priceless?

So, as most of you know, this M Squared Mommy recently got a FULL TIME JOB (just until the end of the school year, AND it is supposed to be going half-time by the end of the week)!  Some days FULL TIME JOB is like a curse word in my house!  So what do we do with the M & M's when we are at work?  Well we thought about leaving them home alone with a couple of fruit cups, Nutri-Grain bars, and a few "Wiggles" dvd's but.....holy heck!  I am just kidding! 

Anyway I am way off topic (as usual) so working full time I haven't really been "up" on my current events, okay that was a lie, there could have been a small natural disaster and I wouldn't have known about it because it isn't part of the grade 2 curriculum :)

So today in the staffroom, one of the other teachers was talking about this:

long story short - daycare centre right around the corner from us...14 month old toddler with 3rd degree burns currently being treated at the Stollery.

How thankful are we for "Mom/Nana/Judy"?
There are not enough Starbucks gift cards in the world!

The Nana has been coming to take care of the M & M's since Big Mack was a one year old Baby Mack....oh and she comes to our house so that I don't have to get myself AND the little people ready in the morning - SPOILED!

So how thankful are we.....
More than you know.

Sunday, May 9, 2010