Monday, January 18, 2010

A case of the "Monday's"...

okay anyone reading this knows that that is a silly line from the movie Office Space - this is one of the first movies Bob and I EVER watched when we first started dating (WAAAAY back in the day), and it is one of his favorites, it is also one of my faves too, but only because within 10 minutes of putting the DVD in, I will fall asleep. Not just little "cat-nap" asleep, but like seriously drool on the pillow, snoring sleep --I love that movie :)...but I digress, I most definitly DO not have a case of the Monday's today because.....I finished an 11 day sub teaching stint! So that means tomorrow I get to stay home and play with the M & M's, and at breakfast and lunch with them - it is going to be great! I really miss them when I work, wouldn't you.......

Big Mack & Miss. Matea

All of us...check out the eyes - which one of these
things doesn't belong...
me and my brown eyes get lonely sometimes :)

One of our calendar pages for the Family Christmas calendar
Digital Scrapbooking - woot, woot!

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