Sunday, January 31, 2010

Ahhhh - snowy mountain....

So Big Mack's favorite TV show (since forever, even though he is only 3) is Dora The Explorer.  I am not going to lie, he has Dora sheets, and Dora blankets, his sister even has a little Dora bath castle, that Big Mack gets ALOT of use out of.  I'm not syaing he won't watch other shows, he does, he went through a little "Wiggles" phase - thank goodness THAT didn't last long!  But he ALWAYS comes back to good, old, faithful Dora.  Need to get supper started...Dora.  Need 22 minutes of sanity...Dora.  Need to get 4 toddlers to just calm the heck down....Dora!  Now if you don't let your kid watch TV, you are great, don't email me and tell me how great you are, I already know and that is why the title of this post ISN'T "Jess is the greatest mother ever!"....anyway as usual - I digress.

So Big Mack has been going through this pahse where he acts out Dora the Expolrer episodes - it's awesome, we have been talking about the same one for about a month.  Basically Boots loses his firetruck and Boots and Dora go on an adventure to find it.  Well every morning, afternoon, and evening Big Mack comes to me at some pointand says "Mommy where is my firetruck?"  When I reply "I'm not sure honey", he inevitable will say...."on top of snowy mountain, Mom!"  No big deal, right?  Well under normal circumstances, no this would not be a big deal.  But we are talking but we are talking about Big Mack, right?  Normal never applies to us :)

So it is the middle of winter here - lovely, right?  it gets cold, it snows, it gets warrm, there are big ruts in the get the picture...."The City" F-I-N-A-L-L-Y plows the streets and very thankfully our little close. 

But really - what are the chances....... 

that "snowy mountain" would suddenly appear right outside our front door?!?

and everytime that we go ANYWHERE, snowy mountain is there.  I am pretty sure there will still be remenents of anowy mountain in the middle of summer...I hate snowy mountain, I almost back into it EVERYTIME I leave my driveway!  But Mackenzie loves it, and yesterday it provided like 3 hours of entertainment for him....and his lucky, snow loving, Father :)
Mackenzie & Daddy on their way to climb "Snowy Mountain"

It's not really a long walk but, Mack has little legs...and it's hard for little people to walk in all their winter gear!

Starting the big climb
Mackenzie's Dad showing off

Admiring their acheivements after they conqured "Snowy Mountain"

Best part...sliding down snowy mountainon the slide the 13 year old neighbour made, it was so thoughtful of him and his friend to put those jagged peices of ice at the bottoem :)

Bob being the weird 35 year old STILL playing on snowy mountain after everyone else went inside - okay I made that up :)  Mack was climbing up the other side (tee hee)
"Hi Mom! - I'm looking for my firetruck :)"

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