Monday, January 25, 2010

Big Mack's first big expulsion from school....I knew this day was coming

How could you not love a face like this?

The is the story of Big Mack's first big expulsion...his Bampi (a high school principal) would be so proud :)
This is a long one so...sorry in advance

So today was Big Mack's first day back at school since before Christmas...we call is school but it is really like "pre-play school" - he goes 1 day a week, and it is for 2 big deal, right?  Well for the average three year old - the answer to that question would be "YES" - but for my Big Mack, well he is a wild one, so some days it is touch and go.  He doesn't really like to sit and do "circle time" where they sing, and read stories.  Today he wanted to:
  1.  build a tower and knock it over
  2. play in the sand table
  3. chase the girls with the play shopping carts
I thought he was doing great, and the teacher's in this program know Big Mack, and they think he is doing great too.  He was doing so great that yours truly thought "hey, he is doing great why don't we see if he can handle this...."

And that's when I went down to the gymnastics school - da, da, da - low and behold they had a drop in playschool class for an hour and a half, about 15 minutes after Big Mack's "pre-playschool" class - just long enough for us to have a vist, a little snack, and a potty break - seems to good to be true, right?  That's because it was.  Mack was ready he was pumped to go, he has been walking by the gymnastics stuff every week since he could walk, so he was excited!  The class was supposed to be for 3-5 year olds but when he walked in one of the little girls said to him "hey there is a Mackenzie in my grade 2 class at school, what grade are you in?" - so obviously NOT 3 years old!  So said little girl was probably a little weirded out when Mackenzie replied, "I'm Mack, I'm 3!" and then started running around in circles like a crazy person :)

Now I am the first person to admit that my son is far from perfect.  I often describe him as a little rascal, and I know that his listening skills are not stellar.  I am not one of those Mom's that thinks their kid can do no wrong...I know he does wrong....I know he is frustrating, I know, I know, I know  But he is kind, and loveable, and capable of learning.

ANYWAY this is turning into the longest post ever, but I was hurt for my little man.  I passed him off to one of the teacher's, and she took him out to where all the gymnastics equipment is.  Basically she walked this 3 year old past all the equipment, and then passed him off to a group of three other children and one adult...they proceeded to "stretch" for the next 25 mintues?!?  Now I am not going to lie, Big Mack did his own versions of stretches for about 2 minutes, then he rolled around on the ground, he tried to army crawl towards a trampoline, and eventually he just started jumping in one spot...all the while the teacher was trying explain something about how an octopus protects itself?!?  So he was being a rascal, my issue was when the teacher (not knowing I was there) asked the other adult how old Big Mack was...she reposnded "he's 3"and then proceeded to say "well he's not acting like he is 3, this isn't going to work, I can tell you that right now."

So that's when I came in and told them I would just take him home.  The teacher started talking about safety, and that he was just too young.  I just didn't want his feelings to be hurt anymore.  So I scooped him up and carried him (kicking and screaming) to the entrance.  He just didn't understand why he couldn't stay, he was so frustrated, and sad - I just felt awful for him.  You probably saw me today if you were at the pool or the soccer pitch, I was the crazy lady sweating, carrying a 45 pound child, a CARS suitcase, winter boots, and a purse....all the while Big Mack was screaming at the top of his lungs.  Sigh.  Poor Mama's Boy :)

**I just want to say that I am sure this gymnastic school is great, I just didn't see it today.  I only saw my little boy's feelings get a little bit hurt :(

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