Thursday, March 4, 2010

We went on a ROAD TRIP!

This past weekend, we (when I say we I just want youto know that I mean Bob) packed up the van, dropped off Jada, and headed out to Grande Prairie, Alberta!  For thos of you who are not familiar with Northern Alberta, here is a map :

Now I am not going to was a long trip.  Well worth it, and my sister travels to us WAY more than we travle to her.  anyway the trip itself is about 7.5 hours once you factor in bathroom breaks and a stop at McDonald's Playplace so that the little people don't completly lose their minds :)  The M & M's did great!  And they always have a blast with their cousins.  Matea is loved, loved, loved by her cousins - and Big Mack just likes that there is someone who can keep up with him, and play video games with (just kidding Corbyn plays, and Mack watches)

Just so that you can keep up:




I don't know what I was thinking when I wanted them to pose for this picture - well I actualy said "let's try to make it look like on "The Cosby Show" when they all sit in a line" - do remember that?!?  I thought it would look cool, and it did - when the Huxtables did it!  They weren't ages 1, 3, 4, and 5?!?  Whatever Big Mack got in a few wrestling moves before bedtime :)  He was happy....

So here are a few pictures from a "Northen Extravaganza" - it was a great weekend

Corbyn and Mackenzie playing on Alex's bunk beds

How close can Mack get to Corbyn while he is playing on his itouch
this could get interesting.....
his cheek is actually resting on Corbyn's shoulder - what a good older cousin!
Big Mack looking like he is getting pretty comfy
And...yep...that's close enough
There is only so much you can ask of a five year old

One of Bob's creations

Snow monster and Snow Dora...Bob put these on the corners of the deck so we could
"appreciate" them while we were eating our breakfast, luch, and supper

Doesn't he look determined to conquer the slide
*Very Cool*
Jennifer and Darcy's house has a slide coming off one side of their deck
huge hit with the little people!
I just love this picture....he looks so proud of himself
and i didn't take it my sister did!

Snack time!  Matea was a holy terror at this little table....but she loved it, and their were no injuries
so that means it was a good day!
Little Big Man

This is me rocking my GP outfit, going puddle jumping with Jen and the little people puddles for her, she was happy having snacks in the stroller

All the Cousins

And of course I saved the best picture for last...this is Mack's cousin Alex, they are nine months apart
and like i ahev said before they sometimes steer pretty clear of one another
but when you glance at this picture.........



and a little "PS" - I recently put a little blog counter on this blog, and in the short time that I have been posting to it almost 300 people have viewed it!
Please fell free to become a "follower" or drop me an email and let me know what you think of this blog :)

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