Friday, March 5, 2010

Parenting has a steep learning curve....

So....Bob and Big Mack have spent ALOT of time outside this winter.  Mackenzie LOVES to run around, and seems to never care about being cold, so off they would go to the park, or to climb Snowy Mountain (yesterday the renovated Snowy Mountain and put in a new set of stairs, and some "secret hiding spots" - I would have LOVEd to have been helping with the renovations/taking pictures of it for this blog, but I was inside with the "teething monster" aka Miss. Matea) or just to take an extra long stroll to get the mail.  ANYWAY when winter arrived and was here to stay Bob came up with an idea for keeping Mackenzie "hydrated" while they were out on the "Arctic Adventures" - you guessed it - he taught the three year old to eat snow.  Now when he proudly announced this to me the next time we took Big Mack outside together, he assured me that he explained the differences between "dirty" snow (yellow, and or full of DIRT!) and "good" snow.  Somehow I was not totally convinced, mostly because boys are gross.

Let's just see how this turns out, shall we? 

Ew...snowy mountain, looking a little dirty, and grimy, right?
ooops and of course the little cutie was there too!

Big Mack trucking over to get something to drink

Yep...he is licking his mitt after he dipped it in the dirty, gross, snow.
And I am taking a picture of it....Mother of The Year 2010!

At first he totally thinks it is DELICIOUS!

UGH!  What the heck is THAT?!?

So needless to say I am pretty sure that we have now established a family rule regarding "snow-eating".

So cute, right?

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