Thursday, March 4, 2010

How does one solve THIS particular conundrum?

Remember a few weeks ago I posted that Big Mack was tripping over his feet and always telling us he had hurt his toe.  Well there is a new "issue" in town..... 

All bright "ideas" or suggestions will be accepted.

Just don't be like his Daddy...everytime that I ask him
"Why does he do that?!?"
thinking that Bob will provide me with some insight into the male brain....
He ALWAYS replies
"Honey....because it's there"

1 comment:

Mommy to the power of three :) said...

Now the comments "stuff" is working - sorry everyone, I was all intense about getting people to leave an occasional comment....and I had disabled the comment avaliability - Next NOT to be a technology moron :) Thanks Denise G!