Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tuesday Truths - Mommy Confessions Week 1

Ok, so we all have them. I have decided its time to stop keeping them to myself in hopes that other mommies will realize that none of us are perfect. Here are my little secrets for the week in hopes it will encourage me to be better. What are yours?

  • My kids stayed in their "jammies" all day today, the only reason they changed into real clothes is because their Dad was coming home, it was literally 4 minutes before he got home that they got changed.
  • I watched while Big Mack "helped" me clean up this afternoon.  This entailed "accidentally" spilling a giant bowl of cereal all over the floor so he could vacuum it up - cute.
  • I actually lost my mind the other day when a woman in the grocery store said to my son and I "Wow, he sure doesn't talk much does he, are you worried?" - I know, ridiculous, right?  Who says that?  and hello perfect stranger, why would I want him to answer you anyway?!? - at the time I just politely walked away and went and stood in another line.  After...first I gave Big Mack a big hug, and told him he was perfect (he understands, even when they are little they understand) and then I called my sister, and Bob, and my brother...and they all assured me he was what I thought - perfect.


1 comment:

Denise said...

Where does that woman get off?!?!?!??!!? That's ridiculous!!! I don't know how I'd have reacted but I wish you had said something like "oh he does talk, but I taught him not to talk to ugly people - like yourself." ;)