Sunday, August 29, 2010

How cute are they?

Super awesome weekend this weekend...trip to Calgary, 1st birthday party, good friends, Sunday swimming party (it was just the 4 of us, but still always a party), and a delicious supper with Nana, Bampi, and Uncle Jer - good times :)...ooops, and I got to do a little photo shoot with another family, and the pictures turned out pretty okay :)

Some pictures of the M & M's from this past week, I think they are C-U-T-E and sometimes CrAzY! 

If you have a rambunctious 3 year old (like me) this is the best game EVER, especially when said 3 year old always wants to "help" is an example of our conversations lately...
Mom: Mack can you please sit down, Mommy needs to finish putting away the dishes.
Big Mack:  But Mommy I want to help...please?
ANYWAY...Big Mack playing with the hose, washing everything in the backyard
This is totally a little rascal face, right?
Laughing at something...probably a Big mack "knock, knock" joke - they are not your typical knock, knock jokes
I have no idea WHAT is going on in this one - Crazy.
At the park
Pretending to be scared...
Matea at the park...
CLOSE - UP!!!  They are my fave :)
Miss. Matea taking a break to have a snack..
My fave pictures from this week....cute.

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