Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Grow The Tree You've Got...

So...I bought this parenting book from Chapter's when Mack was like 3 - I'll be honest-I was trying to convince myself that a BOOK would be able to teach me how to get Big Mack to NOT throw himself on the floor of the grocery store and kick and scream - so I bought this one, not because it got rave reviews, or because a friend had read it, I basically read the back and thought "This is the book for me!"...and so began my journey with:

I know you might be thinking - "she is lame" - but really I'm not.
There are lots of really cool ideas in this book that I have never even thought of, and we all know that I am the current holder of the "Mother of The Year Award"...(once again please ensure that you read above paragraph with a voice that is DRIPPING with sarcasm)

One of the "ideas" that the author suggests really hit home with me this summer, "Grow the Tree You've Got"...basically the 4 page chapter is about how sometimes parents try so hard to encourage their children to be something (scholar, artist, star athlete) that they really are not, and miss out on their true gifts.  Basically you really want an oak tree, but you might have a redwood - both are VERY beautiful trees, but VERY different from each other
We spent some time this summer going on different day trips with the M & M's (if you actually follow this blog or are my friend on Facebook, you know what I'm talking about) 

  • You know the kids at outdoor events (like the Doodlebops concert) that sit on their blanket, for like a whole hour, and clap along to the songs?  Yea, my kids are the opposite of that.
  • You know the kids you see at the swimming pool that are afraid of everything?  Yep, not my kids.
  • You know the three year old that you might see getting all "geared up" to go rock climbing at your local rec center?  No?  Well if you come to our Recreation Center you would see my son, happily climbing to the top and back down with a huge smile on his face.
  • Clean shirts...nope.
  • Eating dirt and sand...yep.
  • Constantly running and wanting keep going, even after Mommy and Daddy are down for the count  - that would be my M &M's.
  • Soooo many hugs that I lose count by 9am - that would be Mack and Matea...everyday.
Hmmmm...grow the tree you got :)

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