Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tuesday thoughts....

I really ♥ this picture...I tried to edit it to make it look cool because to be completely honest (seriously ask my sister she was standing on the ground with me tell me to calm down) I was FREAKING out because the ride was at almost the highest point, and he wasn't sitting on his bum, and it looked like he was leaning over the side.....I was having a heart attack...because I am crazy. 
I really ♥ the picture though....
This is post is kind of supposed to be a teaser for the next post.
Our "Calaway Park trip!  Oh and if you aren't sure if you want to read about it....I lost my first born...again :) 
I should not be allowed to supervise my own children in public places!  It's a good story, keep checking back!

1 comment:

The Roths said...

I LOVE LOVE this picture....it better be blown up somewhere in your house!!