Tuesday, July 17, 2012

2nd Annual M & M Super Fun Summer Party

Starting last year we decided to have a "summer party" in July.  We did this because both the M & M's have CrAzY birthday's (Halloween, and exactly 7 days before Christmas) around REALLY busy times of year, AND because we wanted an opportunity to see all our friends and family before the summer started getting super busy for everyone :)
I think this years party was a smashing success, my kids had fun, and I got to chat with lots of friends :)  You can be the judge....

Here is our "line-up"
 now if you remember last summer my BFF Barb and I took our boys on a "boys only" adventure day to Edmonton, while we were there our "adventure" took us to the Latin Festival downtown where they had a giant slide...and the boys ♥-ed it!  I vowed then and there to try and get one for the summer party :)

First time down the slide...not gonna lie, I was a little bit scared
But he got waaaay better... 

 ...almost graceful ;)
Miss. Matea LOVED it too!
 Especially when she got to go with her Daddy

Truth be told....there were lots of ADULTS that "enjoyed" the slide too
Melissa with Shaya, Big Mack & Ayva
Corbyn was there!
 Bob and Aidan in the bouncy house!
 Lots of family!
Uncle Mike, Grandpa, Bampi, Auntie Dawn, & Grandma!
And all in one picture no less!
 The GP cousins
We ♥ them
Alexandra & Corbyn in the bouncy house
 Big Mack sweating in the bouncy house...it was a super HOT day!
 Sweet Sadie Jae having a few snack-itty-snacks
 Bampi taking his supervision duties of Miss. Matea VERY seriously
 Mr. Aidan and the lady bug he found
 One of the little lady's that stole the show!
Sweet Avery Lynn
Sweet Sadie's little sis...would you LOOK at those eyelashes!
 Bennett & Aidan in the bouncy house
The Roth's!
The super cute Roth boys, and their Mama Mel
 Miss. Fenna & Auntie Barb
 Liddell rocking the slide like a pro
 A super tired Aidan :)
 Little Miss. Lochlyn playing in the sand
 All the Roth boys heading out
 The Selfors Family and sweet baby Violet!
How adorable is she!
 Bob's bball crew
 Tracy showing the little people how it's done!
He was "Parker the fireman" in this picture...so adorable!
 The Bromling's loving up Baby Avery
 Sweet Sadie going down the slide, and looking so cute at the same time!
How was that for a crazy amount of pictures?!?  If you can believe it, that wasn't even everyone at the party!  Crazy.  Thanks so much to all our friends that came out to help us celebrate the beginning of summer!  We hope to see you all again next year!
Now you all know how I love to "look back" and see what we were doing at the same time in previous years....take a peek at the First Annual M & M Summer Party 2011
Thanks for reading :)

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