Sunday, December 12, 2010

Where in the world?!?

I think this has honestly been the longest time I have neglected my blog - sorry.  Worst Blogger Ever!  The reason: I got a job.  I have been teaching grade 8 Language Arts for the last month and a half! has been busy, busy, busy around the Schurman house, and while trying to juggle everything else...the blog got lost in the shuffle.

But I have good news...#1...the school year is almost over...#2...I have some AWESOME M & M stories, there are truly too many...starting with what I like to call....

So just like everyone else we have been busy getting ready to Christmas, buying presents, decorating the house, putting up the Christmas tree - but this year Big Mack LOVES Christmas (finally)!  This year, whenever he sees Christmas lights (like ANYTIME...) he always say "ohhh look, Christmas lights!  Merry Christmas to you Mom/Dad/Matea!" one of us ALWAYS gets a shout out!
We have also been watching alot of Christmas shows (hey they are on Treehouse, don't act like you haven't seen them) and they all tell a little Christmas story. 
So Big Mack had been examining the Christmas tree VERY closely all day Friday.
Finally he says to us..."our Christmas tree is supposed to have a star on top..where is our star?"
to which Bob-a-licious responds --
"We do have a star on top, actually we have a SUPERSTAR!"
Yep...Larry Bird
I think it was one of Bob's proudest moments as a father...seriously.
Afterwards Mack says "ohhhhh Larry Bird....our superstar"
Merry Schurman Christmas.


Denise said...

That is awesome!!! I love that story! Only... you said "we have LOTS of M&M stories and I read just one. I'm not impressed.


Jeanette said...

Love it! Ah, family memories.