Sunday, December 19, 2010

My heart just melted a little bit :)

This week was a pretty big week at the Schurman house.  Big Mack's soccer pictures arrived...
His first trading card - is that what they are called?
It really doesn't cute is he in this picture?
and drum roll...check out our giant!
and his team....they love him even though he goes camping in the net sometimes.
At the last game one of the other coaches approached our coach (not Bob, lucky for the other coach) and started pointing at Big Mack, and saying "oh that ones a trouble maker, right?  He is rotten."
--apparently Mack had stepped on his jacket the week before.--
Our coach replied - "he is the kindest boy you will ever meet, he would never hurt anyone", and walked away.
I teared up when I heard that story the first time....
He's totally crying in this picture...poor baby :)

1 comment:

Denise said...

Eeeeee look at Big Mack!!! I love it!!! He doesn't look too rotten to me - he looks like a big sweetheart!