Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Nana's Big Day....

If you follow this blog you know that the M & M's Nana is kind enough to baby-sit them while I am working...I know, spoiled - don't spread this around but....she also drives to MY house in the morning so that I don't have to load up the kids and go through craziness that is getting them up and ready, fed, and dropped off  in the morning - double spoiled, right?

So the Nana is up in GP right now for a little visit with the rest of her grandkids, but we are missing her special day...her birthday!  Birthday's are a pretty big deal now that Big Mack understands that there is cake and he can eat as much of it as he wants, and he gets to help blow put the candles - that was a total lie he gets to blow out the candles like 4 times, even when it isn't his birthday.....I just realized spoiling your children must be genetic :)

A few songs for Nana...some of them are painful, but all of then are C-U-T-E!
A quick PS--the upside down version, this is how he likes to spend his time whenever he is supposed to be sitting - standing on his head, welcome to the circus, and I apologize in advance to his grade 1 teacher, you are all my witnesses :)

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