Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Gator - Sijbrandi style :)

So...with ALL the rain that has been falling we decided to head out to Ponoka to see our good friends, The Sijbrandi Family (Barb, Hans, Aidan & Fenna).  Our boys always play so well together, and Matea, well Matea is just Matea - she runs all over the a tiny tornado...being crazy.  ANYWAY it is ALWAYS fun :)  We love the Sijbrandi's.
Mr. Aidan was kind enough to take his good buddy big Mack for a spin on his newest toy....LUCKY!
Awww...BFF's for life :)
Did I mention that they live on a super cool FARM?!?  with cows and everything ;)
Going through a big puddle - look at Mack's face, he loves it!  And Aidan just looks soooo proud
Best Game EVER!  They were both laughing sooo hard!
2nd best Game EVER - "Aidan chase me with the gator!"
Even MORE laughing!
I would like someone to email me and tell me where does the time go?
Before they were little men...
And now they are all grown up...(sniff, sniff)
How did we get here so fast?!?  They were driving around the yard in a gator for goodness themselves!  They are practically getting their own apartments, and moving away to college!
Seriously cute are they?
I am not going to lie, there are a few tears right now...okay I am bawling like a baby :)

1 comment:

Jeanette said...

Last night I was looking on Carters for clothes for Nola. Saw a shirt that said, "Still living at home" for the little people. I'm trying to savour things myself...