Sunday, July 11, 2010

I read the coolest thing....

Yesterday I blogged about losing Miss. Matea, and visiting my sister's family up in the "Great White North" - I only say that because I know it would make make her (Jen) roll her eyes.  It was Grande Prairie, not Alaska!  Anyway going to my big sis's house is fun.  She is an amazing cook - there is always GREAT food to eat, (which kind of makes me feel bad because I cook for her family when they come to visit us, and I am not going to lie, it is less that great in the culinary department) lots of baking, there is ALWAYS coffee any time of the day, and very tasty "grown up" drinks!  In addition to ALL that she also has super cool magazine's that I always look at when I am at Chapter's, but always seem convince myself that they "aren't for me" (mostly because of the non-creative-ness in the kitchen).  Anyway I was reading one of these awesome magazine's and came across a really cool article.  The author, Kyran Pittman is a blogger and contributing editor for Good Housekeeping, she is a mom to three boys but wrote a post about Advice she would give her teenage daughter.

Now if I can just work on not losing Miss. Matea in the next 16 years or so....

Advice for a Teenage Daughter

  1. Even if you have just been shot with a tranquilizer dart for elephants, don't sleep in your makeup. Or contact lenses.
  2. What separates a professional eyebrow arch from the amateurs is scissor-trimming. This is the least important item on this list, but It took me 38 years to find out, and I have to pass it onto somebody.
  3. Wear the bikini every chance you can, and use the sunscreen.
  4. Every year you can possibly delay having sex will ultimately make sex that much better. Think of it as the difference between spending every allowance on cheap shoes that don't last, or saving up for some really fabulous Jimmy Choos.
  5. As long as you are in your teens, avoid dating anyone more than three years older than you. At your age, a romantic relationship with an older man is actually neither romantic or a relationship.
  6. You look ugly when you gossip.
  7. Throwing up drunk is not a good look for you.
  8. Save this for later: the person you are now is not the way you behaved then.
  9. Someday, a girl who is horrible to you now will request to be your Facebook friend. And though your cursor will linger a long and delicious moment above the "ignore" button, you will click on "accept" instead, and know that you have grown up.
  10. Go to your prom. Wear the corsage. Stand under the arch. Get the pictures. Really.
  11. Don't waste youth and resiliency. Have adventures. It will never be more appropriate for you to be inappropriate, and society will never be more forgiving. But avoid risks that will narrow your future. Skinny-dipping: yes. Filmed skinny-dipping: no.
  12. Most importantly, hang around for womanhood. I promise, the best is yet to come. 
Ps--I know there have been MANY "Matea" posts - not to worry, Big Mack still gets lots and lots of love :) and I will hopefully figure out some way to talk to him about S-E-X other than comparing it to expensive shoes :)


Jeanette said...

I LOVE the Advice for a Teenage Daughter! It would never have made as much sense then as it does now! Glad you posted it!

Denise said...

LOVE the teenager advice! I'm stealing it for my blog!! :)