Saturday, July 10, 2010

The day I lost you

The following is journaling on the attached far my worst "Mommy moment" so far....

"I am pretty sure that EVERYONE who reads this will judge me, and you know what? That is just fine. I would judge me too :) All four of us went swimming at the end of June, so the same pool we have been going to 3 times a week since Big Mack was born! usually we use the family change room, but they were “under construction” so the boys went to the boys changeroom and the girls to the girls, we had a super great swim and then it was time to go. Now I am not going t o lie, trying to get you dressed is kind of like wrestling a raccoon. Anyway I got you all set up with a snack and our bags on one of the benches, and realised that I didn’t have a towel, I turned my back for 3 seconds and you were gone! I was so scared! I thought someone had taken you, I was crying my eyes out when another Mommy asked me if I was “missing round, blonde, cutie in a blue suit...” apparently you were making your way up the stairs to the waterslide! When I got out to the pool one of the lifeguards was trying to “steer” you towards the changerooms. When I reached you I was having a complete breakdown, I apoligized to the lifeguard and assured him that we are always so careful, and the 17 year old’s reply? “Don’t worry M’am, you really are a good Mom, your sons swims really good!” There are a few tears while I am writing this, just remembering the day I lost you..."

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