Monday, April 2, 2012

Little Loves

It has been waaaaay too long since I blogged last...sometimes life gets in the way :)  I am horrified to say that I have not been taking that many pictures of my M &M's....I'm not sure why, i have been a little bit busy taking other people's pictures...
ANYWAY...these pictures are from back in February!  They were actually taken on my birthday.
Seriously, I know that people sometimes say "blink and they will be all grown up" and "it's going to go by so fast"-- but really, when did he grow up to be a super cute five year old?!?
 Now she is adorable, and still has a little growing up to do (some pee in the potty would be nice) but it feels like yesterday that she was just little darling...not a toy stealing pain in her brothers neck :) 
I think they really look alike...

1 comment:

Denise said...

They are getting soooooo big!! And beautiful!!