Saturday, March 12, 2011

sigh...the M & M's are crazy...

Lately I have found myself questioning the sanity of the little people in my life.  I am hoping that it is this insanely long winter, which by the way has passed the point of ridiculous as far as I am concerned. 
A-N-Y-W-A-Y...they are crazy.
A little arts and crafts activity gone horribly wrong
The peanut butter fiasco...
I sweat she eats a crazy amount of peanut butter, like if we leave the the jar out, she tries like crazy to get it open...if (heaven forbid) we leave the lid off the peanut butter for more than 3.2 seconds, she has got hers little fingers in there scooping out what she considers a "daily serving".
No toast, no crackers, no mixing it with some bananas...
just a big old spoonful.
In the last little while the M & M's have actually been playing TOGETHER.  It usually starts out as a little bit of chasing, and then some hugs (I wish I got some pictures, they are cute--it's my mission) some dancing (also cute) and then the inevitable...the wrestling.
she's cute, but she is pretty darn tough too.
I hope it's really warm this week...and ALL the snow melts, and we can go to the park without 7000 pounds of winter gear-hey it's my blog I can hope for what I want :)

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