Sunday, March 6, 2011

Schurman playground renovations....

Last year I wrote a little post about our "mini playground" that was in our basement, and how I was wondering if I would EVER have a grown up basement, like - gasp - a media room or something CrAzY like that.  Well my feelings have since changed a little bit about the need for a "grown up" basement...mostly because I married a man that is incredibly creative (just wait for the pictures), and talented, and surprises me everyday with how much he loves our kids, and what lengths he will go to to make them happy (ugh!  I know enough with the sappy, sap)...I'm not sure how we will ever sell our house, but I'm not really sure that I care...the M & M's will LOVE it, they already do. 
Two levels!
Who needs a media room...
Stay tuned...

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