Friday, February 11, 2011

Mackenzie James...super boy genius.

Sometimes, when Miss. Matea blesses Big Mack and I with a nap in the afternoon (she actually BROKE her crib this morning, not to worry, it's fixed...and there are no injuries to report, at this time) we hang out tin the basement and play, and he lets me blog a little bit, and we watch tumblebooks (which he thinks are HILARIOUS!) and we do a little "school work" while he jumps on the spare bed - he is totally going to be THAT kid in grade one that can't sit still, and vibrates at the mere mention of recess :)
the other day when we were practicing our letters (he tells me the letter and we decide something that starts with that letter) he got his little board and some of his letters, and I said to him, "okay you set it up, and then we will do some school"...and this is (no word of a lie) what he did
Super....boy....genius, right?
Cute lil' genius
sometimes he gets a little frustrated/bored
And he also has dino parades...

1 comment:

Uncle Jer said...

BEST SHIRT EVER, start em young,