Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snow Fun!

The M & M's have had a pretty fun time these last couple of weeks while I have been at work.  They have had their DADDY home EVERYDAY since I went back to work!  He is basically like a really big kid, that has some rules and LOTS of games!  Waaaaay more fun than Mommy.
This week Big Mack has spent ALOT of time outside with Bob...they built their own little sledding hill in the backyard!  Miss. Matea?  Not so much time spent outside, she is a little more like her Momma, she likes to stay warm :)
The tunnel Daddy & Mack built....I think this is the beginning of "Snowy Mountain" all over again!!
 How excited is he?
 It looks like they were pretty busy....
Making it to the top!
A little video

Backyard sledding.... it's fun!
 ...Jade steaks your sled :(
And, even though she didn't go outside....some Matea cuteness for you :)
Hello Crazy Hair!


The Alexanders said...

Super cute blog! Thanks for stopping by mine and leaving a comment...I heart comments...a lot! hahaha. I am sure all blogger do! Looks like you guys have been making the most out of all our snow! At least someone is enjoying it!

Denise said...
