Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A few from "The Vault" - this is a long one....

Today was the best day E-V-E-R!  Not only did we get to have a super fun playdate with The Sijbrandi family out in Ponoka - I forgot my camera, so no cute pictures of little Aidan and Fenna, BUT - the darling husband, Bob-a-licious did something great today...I think I should start from the beginning - don't worry this won't take THAT long.  When we got out new computer I transferred EVERYTHING to an external hard drive, this was right after Matea was born, so basically ALL Big Mack's 1st year stuff (which if you are a parent is pretty much EVERYTHING!) - the external hard drive crashed, and everything was lost.  I could have paid the kids at Future Shop like $600.00 to "rebuild and recover everything Ma'am", but I didn't like that idea, so today Bob hooked up our old computer and voila...all our memories (tear).  Hopefully you won't get tired of these types of posts because I have been looking at old videos and pictures of my baby boy for the last few hours (I should be marking Language Arts unit exams-this is important too)...he was sooo little....I hope you enjoy
Brand New...my fave picture of us!
January 2007 - two and a half months old

February 2007 ~ 3.5 months old
That's Uncle Jer in the background...he lived with us, and we loved having him be such a big part of Mack's life

June 2007 ~ 7 months old (I think)
Getting spoiled by Nana & Bampi in the eating department....I'm not going to lie, nothing has changed  - they still spoil him like CRAZY! ☺

Summer 2007 ~ 8 months old (I think)
Playing with his cousin Corbyn - I think Corbyn would have been like two and a half (Jen correct me)

More Mack & Corbyn...Adorable.

Best post ever...for me anyway :)


Denise said...

Yikes... ALL my photos are on our external hard drive!!!!!! Why did it crash? How?? Oh man now I'm scared!!!!

Great job Bob-a-licious!!!!! Beautiful photos!!

Jess said...

Don't worry too much, I think it got knocked over (more than once) and something happening inside with computer gremlins - I don't really understand alot of that stuff - what I am looking into doing is getting online storage, in addition to a new external hard drive - that way it is always there, even if your house burns down, you know? PS--Aryn is cute :)