Monday, October 4, 2010

Miss. Matea starts "school"

So...our little Matea has started her "Busy Buddies" class!  It is crazy....well let's be more specific, she is crazy!  I love her, but she is CrAzY!  Monday night we eat supper at like 4:45 so that Matea can be finished, and CLEAN for like 5:30 when we need to drive to the Collicutt Centre to hang out with our other "Busy Buddies".  Do you want to know how crazy she is?  Bob and I trade weeks (he goes one week I go the other because she is so high energy - I just didn't want to call her crazy again) and then whoever isn't taking Matea gets to go swimming with Big Mack (which is actually fun, Busy Buddies - sorta fun but not THAT much)
Yes...this little cutie is actually MORE of a "handful" than her brother was....I never thought I would say it :)
Getting ready to go to school!
 She was pretty fascinated with the newspaper - I just thought it was cute
All loaded up ready to go....
The whole class playing in the soccer pitch
The Tunnel
 Playing in the cars - most fun EVER!
 More car pictures
 Ahhh...the quad...very fun

So in addition to eating play-doh, ramming the shopping cart into the wall at FULL SPEED, and of course SCREAMING at the top of her lungs - she also gave herself a new hairdo today...streaks....involving the class paint...she can be so gross sometimes
And of course my fave picture of the day :)
Straight out of the camera...she is cute...worth all the craziness that is Busy Buddies...always worth it

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