Sunday, June 13, 2010

Toothbrush in the potty - what?!?

Parents learn something new EVERYDAY!  There is no secret meaning behind the title of this post - it was what I said to Big Mack when I walked up the stairs tonight and took a peek at him while he was doing his "business" before bedtime!  Let me start at the beginning...we have been encouraging Mackenzie brush his own teeth - instead of doing it the "hold onto his forehead and scar him for life", kind of way.  So I walked up the stairs and watched him brush his teeth, and then dip his toothbrush into the potty - ew.  His response - "Oh no I dropped it by accident!" - yeah right.

Something new I learned today - Perhaps brushing the teeth on the potty is not the best idea :)
sigh...he is so adorable, and yet still kinda gross sometimes.

1 comment:

Uncle Jer said...

hey i commented here too.