Sunday, June 13, 2010

The little people have social lives!

It is becoming more and more apparent that we are going to need a larger calendar at the Schurman house :)  The older the M & M's get, the more "events" they get invited to, which is awesome!  This weekend we were lucky enough to spend our weekend surrounded by great friends and their REALLY cute kids. 

Event #1 - "Super Fun Penny Carnival"
Our friend Elizabeth had an "Summer Penny Carnival" for her neice was AMAZING!

There was bowling, duck fishing, bean bag toss, an egg obstacle course, face painting, and balloon animals!
Very Cool.

We were so proud of Mackenzie!  He played all the games, and then went back to his favorites!
He loved the egg obstacle course, and the duck fishing...alot.

Ohhhh...I think I forgot to mention there were PRIZES too!
Big Mack liked those. 
Duck pond!
Miss. Matea liked to run away and play at the park :)

Event #2 was a birthday pool party!
There are no pictures because I was at the penny carnival and then at home with Miss. Matea while she had her nap :(

Event # 3 was a super fun pot luck with the Penny Carnival crowd
No pictures we were all too busy eating the amazing food!

Super Fun Saturday!

1 comment:

Uncle Jer said...

Do you remember the EE Oliver Penny Carnivals?