Wednesday, March 12, 2014

These little cuties....

Books.  I wish that I could take all the credit for their love of books, but I don't think I can.  The M & M's just have a LOVE of books.  We have been going to the public library as a fun outing every week.  We don't even participate in the little programs they offer, Matea and her helper just pick a giant stack of books and "read" them, and then we bring them home and share them with Mack when he gets home after school, it's a super fun time 

Oh Asher....a little update on our little big man.  He is climbing....everything.  Our kitchen chairs now lay on their sides in the kitchen or trapped behind the table where he can't access them.  So I guess you could say that we are still working on our listening skills :)  And he is chatting up a storm....he is trying to answer questions and let us know what's going on with him, but the majority of his words just sound like "B-A-L-L" when he is really trying to tell us something he says ball really slow, it's so cute it's funny :)

Happy girl
Hmmm....always thinking

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