Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Jurassic "Grand Slam" ~ Day 2

To end our super fun long weekend with the cousins we ventured north to "The Jurassic Forest", very cool trails, super fun play area....and dinosaurs that MOVE!!!
Aside from the humidity....it was a crazy fun day.
 That is a T-Rex EATING another dino, and stepping on another one!  Very cool.
The paths were really nice
 Checking out some super cool dino's

 Learning about sabre tooth tiger "fangs" (there was a way more scientific term but as you can see I was busy on my PHONE...haha...don't judge I was probably making a video - but yes I should have been listening)  
 This is happening more and more!  Poor Asher his stroller is going to be broken before he is 1 :)
 This picture was taken pre giant mosquito bite on his forehead....oops!
Pretty cute...but rosy cheeks...come on teeth!
 Awww...good thing Aunt Jen ♥'s Baby Asher :)
And also thank you :)  He is heavy.
 Woo Hoo!  We made it!
Super cool play area :)
 EEK!  Why would she climb right in to the mouth of a dinosaur?!?
Oh it's a slide!
 Aunt Jen & Corbyn showing Asher the climbing bones
 My M & M's
 Sweet cousin Alex - mid snack :)
 Climbing on the "climbing bones"
 Corbyn ready to go, and Mack jumping for joy for getting back to the sand
Because apparently he likes to go swimming the sand!
 I can't wait to come back in a year or two and re-create these pictures
and eventually my littles will look at the camera :)

 our Party of Five - we were crazy hot and sticky by this point :)
 And the whole gang courtesy of the camera timer and a super fast Bob-a-licious!


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