Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Happy Canada Day 2014!

Our little Schurman tradition over the last four years has been to celebrate our Canada Day in Red Deer!
Here is a little walk down memory lane :) And for all that roll their eyes when I whip out the camera, or ask Bob to stretch his giant arms to get all of us in a little family selfie - aren't you glad we have all these moments captured? 

 we were driving up to GP to spend the weekend with the cousins so no pictures from Bower Ponds THIS year :)

(we rode the bus this year!)
(there was flooding at Bower Ponds this year so they changed the venue but still the same celebration!)

So we headed down to Bower Ponds this year for the annual celebration!

Our first stop is always the super cool park, we try to get there nice and early before everyone else :)
Sweet Asher heading down one of his fave slides!
 Brothers ♥
 Then we stopped and got some snacks.
The M&M's dined on french fries and hot dogs-and no we didn't let her eat those ones off the ground - ew.
 And the rest of us sampled some of the delicious ethnic cuisine :)
Matea's helper Karen came with us to help Matea navigate all the people, the noise, and not always getting her way :)
And in this picture she was comforting our Big Mack - he was having a bit of a "whine-a-thon"
   With Karen there we were able to take the M&M's on the paddle boats while she pushed Asher around in the stroller.
 I was TERRIFIED that Matea was going to jump out or not sit still, but she sat exactly like this...the ENTIRE time!  She loved it, but she was a less than stellar peddler....it kinda felt like we were peddling against her :)   Still a win.
 Mack was a helpful peddler.
 Daddy enjoying the super fun paddle boat ride
Our view from out on the water...
 Next stop: Zorbing
Mack had been asking and asking if he could try it out since we got to Bower Ponds that morning - so we indulged our little daredevil :)
 Helping "the guys" blow up the big ball
 Inside the ball and ready for an adventure :)
 He did pretty good!
 He was able to stand up almost the entire time!
 Collected our pins and Canada flags, watched some belly dancers, and then we were on our way back home before the BIG crowds got there!
 and one of us still needs to have a little siesta in the afternoon
 Had to commemorate with a family photo....of course! 
 And of course a family selfie :)
 And then a nice walked by and offered to take one of all of us
Our party of five (plus one!)
 making the long (it wasn't THAT long but he he was acting like it was) trek back to the van
 All decked out in his Canada Day gear!

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