Sunday, December 11, 2011

Santa Pictures....

Okay initially I wanted to call this post "the dreaded Santa pictures"...I am not going to lie, we haven't been back to see Santa at the mall since December 2007 (Big Mack was 1)....for fear that everyone had not yet recovered from "The Schurman visit of 07"...I'll let the evidence do the talking.
poor Santa...
But this year was a totally different story!
We were strolling by, and Big Mack and I were chatting about what he was going to ask for as a gift for Christmas (blue triceratops pillow from one of those kiosks in the mall) and I just asked him if he wanted to ask Santa right now (hey there was no line-up I figured it was a "win-win")....Matea was even easier....see the candy cane she is clutching for dear life?
Next year we might even attempt to get one without the matching fleece sweat pants....what am I thinking - that's just CrAzY talk!?!
I know I say this alot....but how cute are they?
♥ them

1 comment:

Denise said...

I didn't even notice they were wearing sweat pants!!