Monday, July 28, 2014

Kraay Family Farm....we ♥ the corn maze!

We have been going to the corn maze FOREVER!  In fact...this is how long we have been going for,
Aunt Jen holding a one (well almost two) year old Baby Mack on our fave jumping pillow.
and now he jumps like a wild man all on his own.

and little sister likes to jump too!

and the littlest Schurman is learning to love it :)
Playing some tunes for all the animals
 Buying some food to feed the furry friends

 I think this was Alex's favorite part
 oh man!  Running across the field to go and shoot stuff
 pumpkin gun
 Corbyn shooting some potatoes
 Even Miss. Matea took a turn - which was AWESOME because it was a pretty loud activity AND it was new, and she shot that pumpkin like a boss.

 More jumping...shocking I know

 Jumping with Thia
 In the corn bin....her fave place.

Panning for gems with the cousins

 Crazy Uncle Jer

 Matea and her summer helper Thia.  Matea was having a tough time pedaling the bike so Thia found the perfect bike for both of them!
 And Mack too.....I think he was just hot
 The cousins rocked it!
They are much better peddlers than us.
 Getting ready for a train ride.
 Uncle Jer was super pumped about finding the right way through the corn maze.
 I was lost and all these jerks were just laughing at me!
 Come on!  This way everyone!
 Hiding in the corn...eeek!
 Yep, this is how we eat hot dogs these days...don't judge.
 saying goodbye to the cousins.....he loves them so
♥ love her

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