I started this blog in 2010, as a way to keep in touch with family and friends. I wanted, and still want, to share our everyday adventures even though they don't always look the same as every other families. Why? Well the blog title says it all....wherever we arrive be it the park down the street or the great white north - some form of Shenanigans are sure to follow.
I really just wanted to record some of our memories. Time has gone by so fast, and I know I am not getting it all down, but the stuff I am....I love it.
So who am I? Just Jess....I am married to a pretty awesome guy, who for some reason loves me unconditionally, he is by far the best partner to have on this little Team Schurman we have going on. I am a mother to three amazing little people (The M & M's and Sweet Baby A) they keep me on my toes almost every minute of every day, and up until quite recently I actually thought that I was doing all this "Mama stuff" really horribly bad, like scar your children for life bad. The more time that passes, and the (ugh!) older I get I am realizing that sometimes parenting isn't pretty. It isn't all daily amazing facebook status's, pintrest projects, and organic meals (one half of the M & M's asks for a hot dog on a daily basis...DAILY people!). And a great day around here might look a wee bit different than a great day in your world...and that's ok because.....
and I am working on trying to live that way - it's hard.
So this is us...a little Party of Five
It may not always be a pretty party, or a party that is well organized, or let's be honest a party where at least 2/5 people may be having a temper tantrum (Mommy included) but it's fun!
We may not have it all together....but together we have it all
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