Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Park fun!

We made a little trek to one of our fave parks tonight...get ready for picture-palooza :)
 ♥ her
 Sandy fun...aka "mom's kryptonite"
 thanks goodness Dad likes the sand

 Mack getting comfortable in the sand...shudder
 We climb up the slide now, I know this is terrible "park etiquette" but I let her - it is so typical for a five year old, and I LOVE THAT :) 

 Monkey bar attempt!

 Monkey see....
 Monkey do...
 When did he get so BIG?

 Father & Son snack time!
 Two minutes later he tried to escape through that really big hole :)
 This is his signature "move"
It's like he is revving up to start running
 pretty cute
 and apparently pretty fun too!
 sandy fun

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