Alright life with three kids is.....hectic at times. And then...when the baby sleeps, and I have had the energy to plan a craft the day before, and the M & M's actually like/want to do the craft (now keep in mind when I say "craft" that can mean setting up the angry birds game on the kitchen table so they can try to knock stuff down - so Martha, I know!)....not so hectic, and I get to text my friends back, and post adorable pictures of the three littlest members of our "Party of Five"...that have been clogging up your Facebook news feed (sorry).
Why is life so hectic? It's been four year since my last newborn...I forgot they don't sleep. I can literally remember sitting in the chair in Asher's room and thinking "there is NO WAY" I am going to make it...."

Like I have a choice....Ha!
He was only like 8 days old in these pictures...I'm sure all mama's feel that way, right?
But the good news: Friday night, he slept from 9:30 pm to 5:30 am...I was pretty much DRUNK on sleep...but loving my favorite 10 week old
(of course you KNOW it was just a fluke because he was up last night at 2:30, and then up for the day at 6:30....booooo!)
Now reason # 7465 that life is moving along at an alarming rate at the the Schurman house....
Both the M & M's are in school EVERY MORNING!
I think it is one thing to be up all night feeding a baby and then set your other little people up with some cereal and some crayons and go back to bed, but when you have to make sure everyone has peed, eaten, brushed their teeth, and looking cute....this was a WHOLE new BALL GAME for me!
Mackenzie has settled into the second half of Kindergarten, and is blissfully unaware that he may or may not be driving other people in the classroom crazy. All I know is that there is a mad dash for the block centre everyday, but they all "hug it out" on the playground before they go home :)
♥ him....and his shenanigans only a mother could love :)
Our little Miss. Matea started Pre-K at the end of February, and I thought I was going to DIE of a full fledged panic attack. She is basically her mother's daughter, doesn't listen, doesn't LOVE doing new things, enjoys routine, has personal space issues (like she doesn't want other people in hers) - and if there was an Oscar category for "fits & tantrums" - our Matea would have been honoured many, many times.
But she needed to go. She has a speech delay, and the best way for her to develop her speech is to talk to other kids and adults who are not me.
And I am happy to report she is doing GREAT. I was anticipating crying and throwing of herself onto the floor - our biggest issue is making sure she takes her boots off before she goes into the classroom...because she is so excited to be there.
We went for "student led conferences" and I am so happy that she has the group of teachers she does, just talking to them, and seeing how they look at Matea and interact with her....they love her. They don't care about her whining, or stubbornness or the fact that she wants to take ALL her clothes off whenever she goes to the bathroom (surprisingly this was not a big deal, she is like one of five kids in her class that do this!) - they talked about how great it was to get a hug from her, because she is "a great hugger" and how proud they are of her and how much she has improved in the last few weeks.
And just so that you get to hear about ALL the Schurman Littles
Sweet Baby A
He is 10 weeks old now! Double digits!
He weighs in at 14 pounds and 24.5 inches....and in carrying on in true Schurman child fashion his head is very "pumpkin like"
1 comment:
Awesome post! I bet Matea and Aryn would get along famously. I'd love to hear some Mack stories one day. Your "teacher" stories make me curious to know the kind of kid he is... mostly for selfish reasons because I'm sure Aryn is going to be a real handful when she starts school. You're doing awesome mama!! Here's to hoping for more sleep!!
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