So....we don't wear alot of pants with buttons.
I know that probably sounds super weird but it's really not. Mack likes to wear "comfy pants" (aka sweat pants) at home and then super casual pants to school (aka Khaki's, cargo pants - whatever)
So when we get the note home from school....
"Please send your child in black pants for the festival. You child will be up on stage and is required to wear dark colored pants, black would be best....blah, blah, blah..."
And we break out the "fancy pants" - dress pants will a button and a zipper.
I was more prepared this year - because I HAD a pair for him and didn't have to run to Sears the night before (totally patting myself on the back over here!).
This year everything went great, he loved them and didn't whine about having to
wear them, it was awesome - and I happily sent him on his way to school.....without a belt.
In my mind I am going to pretend that his pants were not falling down all day.
But i am pretty confident they were, and because Mack is who he is...I know he didn't care one bit, I'm actually pretty sure he thought it was funny.
Truthfully the only reason i know anything about the pants falling because they did, about twenty feet away from Bampi's car today after school, Mack (like he does EVERY DAY) was running to his Grandfather's car, and his pants fell down to his knees - I don't even think he cared that much, apparently he just kept running, and laughing of course there was laughing.
When he got to Bampi's car he said "Bampi can I race you home? I will run!" and apparently the parent in the vehicle next to theirs said "not in those pants fella!"