Saturday, February 15, 2014

My FAVE pictures right now.

Fun play date with friends from grade one.
 She did not want her picture taken.

Such a SAD Valentine...for like a minute

He gets SO sad when we won't let him SCALE EVERYTHING in the house.

Happy Valentine's Day 2014

Happy heart day from all the little Schurman's
My awesome oldest boy.
 My sweet girl.
 The littlest Schurman loving the Valentine's day celebration :)

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Our Shining Star :)

Our sweet Matea won an award at school last week!
 She was recognized for ALL the hard work she has been doing in her Pre-K class.
 Matea and one of the EA's in her class....they ♥ each other.
 Big waves for the crowd....such a celebrity.

 She has the best Pre-K team.
Way to go sweet girl!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Our afternoons....

When the M & M's are away at school and it's just Asher and I home after we do all our running around....I can almost ALWAYS find him in his brother and sisters room trying to find their favorite toys to play with.
Good thing he is cute ;)