On September 4th our Sweet Baby A turned 8 months old!
He's a pretty happy guy!
This is one of his favorite toys
I can sit up, and roll over, and army crawl....and now I do this!
and it scares my mama just a little bit :)
The face of ANOTHER little rascal?
I'm thinking yes :)
Here are a few things about Baby A at 8 months
FINALLY naps in is crib sort of consistently.
Has cut ONE tooth!
Really ♥'s feeding himself.
His favorite foods are applesauce, grilled cheese sandwiches, yogurt, pears, and Shreddies
Mommy is still a favorite.
He thinks his big brother is hilarious!
He gets so EXCITED when his Dad comes home from work.
He is completely and totally in love with his sister...mostly because she does not give him the time of day, and is a tiny tornado flitting around everywhere and he just desperately wants her to take him too!
He loves being outside, going for walks, and watching all the neighbourhood kids play in our front yard in the evening.
He still doesn't consistently sleep through the night....yes still.
but look at that cute little face!
Who wouldn't want to see that face at 4 am???